
Model: Gradient Onyx

Birthday: 30.07.2007

Last place of residence: Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Likes: discovering foreign countries and strong wind

Special feature: stubborn

About Sunny:

A pilot friend of mine sent Sunny to me. Sunny comes from his math teacher, who once explored the skies all over the USA and Europe. But Sunny's last mission was probably her most important one: not only did she manage to get her last owner interested in flying, but she also completely changed his life. Thanks to Sunny, he is off drugs and alcohol and has found his new passion in flying.

As a good pilot practices a lot on flat fields, Sunny was initially used for ground handling on the Neckarwiese in Mannheim. Sunny liked to test her limits here. In very strong winds, even three people could not hold her and were pulled by her across the meadow!

